Contents Site Contents: MenuHome Contents Scots Freemasonry William Shaw and the Masters of Work to the Scottish Crown and the Shaw Statutes Sinclair of Roslin – Hereditary Patrons and Protectors of the Scottish Stone Masons and the Sinclair Charters Mylne Family – Hereditary Master Masons to the King of Scots The Alexander Family, Earls of Stirling Sir Robert Moray Master Wrights to the Scottish Crown Robert Burns – the bard of freemasonry Bro William Harvey The Royal Order of Scotland EGSR – The Early Grand Rite of Scotland The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Ramsay’s Oration Rite Ecossais Rectifie – The Rectified Scottish Rite Irish Freemasonry English Freemasonry 4 Old Lodges Constitutions York Freemasonry William Finch French Masons German Masons Swedish Rite US York Rite Israeli Freemasonry Gibraltar Order of degrees Noachida Tracing Boards Working Tools Workings Hiram Rosicrucians Other Orders – Non-Masonic Women Freemasons Further Reading Join Freemasonry Scottish Masonic Links English Masonic Links Irish Masonic Links Charity Contact A Mason’s chief and only care, is how to live within the square.