Old Charges and New Constitutions

Old charges:

The Old Charges Of British Freemasons, by Bro. W. Hughan

The Old Constitutions of Freemasonry, by J. Roberts (1722)

New Book of constitutions:

The Constitutions of the Freemasons (1723)

Anderson’s Constitutions of 1738

The Constitutions of the Freemasons (1855)

Constitutions of the Freemasons (1873)

Constitutions UGLE (1908)

Constitutions UGLE (1919)

The Constitutions of Freemasonry; or, Ahiman Rezon. Grand Lodge of Ireland (1858)

The Laws and Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Scotland (1879)

The constitution and laws of the grand lodge of Scotland (1881)

The Laws and Constitutions of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter, Scotland (1878)

Ahiman Rezon:

Ahiman Rezon: or, A help to a brother, by Laurence Dermott (1764)

Ahiman Rezon (1794)

The True Ahiman Rezon, by Laurence Dermott (1805)

Illustrations of Masonry:

Illustrations of Masonry, by William Preston. Reprint of the rare 1772 edition. With biographical notice (1887)

Illustrations of masonry (1855)