Freemasonry in York and Yorkshire

yorkshire rose, county, england-2365926.jpg

An Anagraime upon the name of Masonrie,
William Kay to his friend Robt Preston,
upon his Artt of Masonrie as Followeth:

Much might be said of the o noble Artt
A Craft thats worth estieming in each part
Sundry Nations Noobles & their Kings also
Oh how they fought its worth to know
Nimrod & Solomon the wisest of all men
Reason saw to love this Science then
Ile say no more lest by my shallow verses I
Endeavouring to praise should blemish Masonrie.

From York MS No 1. c. 1600. Found in Pontefract Castle at the demolishing, and given to the York Lodge by Dr Francis Drake (son and grandson of the Vicars of Pontefract) in 1732.


Books about Freemasonry in York:

The York Legend in the Old Charges, Bro. Alex Horne. 1978.

York Mysteries Revealed, understanding an Old English Masonic Tradition, by Revd Bro Neville Barker Cryer. 2006.

The York Grand Lodge, by Bro David Harrison. 2014.

The City of York; A Masonic Guide, by Bro. David Harrison. 2016.

The Yorkshire Lodges; A Century of Yorkshire Freemasonry, by Bro. J. Ramsden Riley. 1885.

History of the Royal Order of Scotland also History of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire, by E. Fox-Thomas, Prov. G. Master of Yorkshire. 1924.


Free online books:

The Yorkshire Lodges; A Century of Yorkshire Freemasonry, by Bro. J. Ramsden Riley. 1885.

Ancient York and London Grand Lodges; a review of Freemasonry in England from 1567 to 1813, by Leon Hyneman. 1872.

Historical Notes Concerning The York Grand Lodge – C Scott.

The Tradition Of The Old York T I Lodge- Bro C J Scott.

A speech deliver’d to the worshipful and ancient society of free and accepted masons. At a Grand Lodge, held at Merchant’s-Hall, in the city of York, on St. John’s Day, December the 27th, 1726. … By the Junior Grand-Warden. 1727 : Drake, Francis.

A speech deliver’d to the worshipful and ancient society of free and accepted masons. At a Grand Lodge, held at Merchant’s-Hall, in the City of York, on St. John’s Day, December 27. 1726. The Right Worshipful Charles Bathurst, Esq; Grand-Master. The second edition. By the Junior Grand-Warden. 1734 : Drake, Francis. 

Yorkshire Lodge Links:

Provincial Grand Craft Lodges: