Freemasonry in Israel

The Grand Lodge of the State of Israel was consecrated on October 20, 1953 at the Y.M.C.A. Hall in Jerusalem.

The first Masonic Lodge in the Holy Land was the Royal Solomon Mother Lodge No. 293, under the Grand Lodge of Canada in Ontario, whose first meeting was held in the King Solomon’s Quarries of Jerusalem on May 7, 1873.

Before that, an occasional assembly of Masons performed a Secret Monitor ceremony in the same location on May 13, 1868.

The Jubilee celebration took place on October 20, 2003 in Tel Aviv.

GL Israel
The Grand Lodge of the State of Israel
SGCRA Israel
The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Israel
The Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite for the State of Israel

The Grand Lodge of the State of Israel: – English – Hebrew

Craft Masonry in Israel:

Mount Carmel Lodge No. 44 – ( – English speaking

Holy City Lodge № 4, Jerusalem – English speaking

Lodge Sharon Star of Israel № 7, Raanana – English speaking

Freemasonry in Israel – Lodge of the Holy Land #50 – International Membership

Raanana Lodge № 70, Raanana – English speaking

Montefiore Lodge #78, an Installed Masters Lodge of the Grand Lodge of The State of Israel – English speaking

Houdini Lodge, No 83, Tel Aviv – (

The Royal Arch Chapter in Israel:

The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Israel (

The Scottish Rite in Israel:


Jewish and Arab Masons in the Holy Land: 

History is made as we Twin with Lodge Bilu 33 – Rosslyn St Clair 606 (


Jews And Freemasons In Europe 1723-1939, by Jacob Katz. Harvard University Press 1970. 

The Jews and Masonry in the United States before 1810, by Samuel Oppenheim. 1910.

The evidences of Freemasonry from ancient Hebrew records, in three lectures on the three degrees, and a brief introduction on the history and traditions of masonry, by Rabbi Bro. Joseph Hayyim Mendes Chumaceiro

Freemasonry in the Holy Land; or, Handmarks of Hiram’s builders; embracing notes made during a series of masonic researches, in 1868, in Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Europe, and the results of much correspondence with freemasons in those countries, by Bro. Robert Morris