English Freemasonry

English Freemasonry

Craft Masonry – Ugle.org.uk

  1. Entered Apprentice
  2. Fellow Craft
  3. Master Mason


Royal Arch Masonry – GrandChapter.org.uk

4. Holy Royal Arch 

Mark Master Masons – Mark Masons’ Hall (markmasonshall.org)

5. Mark Master 

Royal Ark Mariner Royal Ark Mariner (markmasonshall.org)

1. Royal Ark Mariner 

Royal and Select Masters – Cryptic Degrees Royal & Select Masters (markmasonshall.org)

  1. Most Excellent Master
  2. Royal Master
  3. Select Master
  4. Super Excellent Master 

Allied Masonic Degrees Allied Masonic Degrees (markmasonshall.org)

  1.  St Lawrence the Martyr
  2. Knights of Constantinople
  3. Grand Tyler of King Solomon
  4. Red Cross of Babylon
  5. Grand High Priest 

Secret Monitors –  Order of the Secret Monitor (markmasonshall.org)

  1. Member
  2. Prince
  3. Supreme Ruler 

Scarlet CordScarlet Cord (markmasonshall.org)

  1. First Degree
  2. Second Degree
  3. Third Degree 

Red Cross of ConstantineRed Cross of Constantine (markmasonshall.org)

  1. Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine
  2. Knight of the Holy Sepulchre
  3. Knight of St John the Evangelist 

Knights TemplarKnights Templar (markmasonshall.org) 

  1. Knight Templar
  2. Knight of St Paul or Mediterranean Pass
  3. Knight of Malta 

The Rectified Scottish Rite (Rite Ecossais Rectifie). 

L’Ordre de Chevalier Bienfaisant de la Cité Sainte (CBCS).

Knights Beneficent of the Holy City (markmasonshall.org)

4. Scottish Master of St Andrew 

5. Squire Novice

6. CBCS (Knight Beneficent of the Holy City) 

Grand College of Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests – KnightTemplarPriests.com

The Supreme Council of the Ancient & Accepted Rite (Rose-Croix) 



Societas Rosicruciana In AngliaSria.uk.com

  1. Zelator
  2. Theoricus
  3. Practicus
  4. Philosophus
  5. Adeptus Minor
  6. Adeptus Major
  7. Adeptus Exemptus
  8. Magister Templi
  9. Magus.

The Royal Order of the red branch of Eri

  1. Man-at-Arms
  2. Esquire
  3. Knight

The Worshipful Society of Free Masons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers (The Operatives) – www.operatives.org.uk

  1. Indentured Apprentice
  2. Fellow of the Craft
  3. Fitter and Marker
  4. Setter Erector
  5. Intendent, Overseer, Super Intendent and Warden
  6. Passed Master
  7. Master Mason

The Commemorative Order of St Thomas of Acon –  www.thomas-of-acon.org

  1. Knight
  2. Worthy Master

The Masonic Order of Athelstanwww.athelstan.org.uk

The August Order of Light https://sites.google.com/site/augustorderoflight/home 

  1. First Degree
  2. Second Degree
  3. Third Degree

The Baldwyn Rite of Bristol 


Rite of Baldwyn – Wikipedia

II° The Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch

The Camp of Baldwyn (The Five Royal Orders of Knighthood)

III° Knights of the Nine Elected Masters
IV° The Ancient Order of the Scots Knights Grand Architect
 Knights of the East, the Sword and Eagle
VI° Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta and Knights Templar
VII° Knights of the Rose Croix of Mount Carmel