The American York Rite

The American York Rite


1. Entered Apprentice

2. Fellow Craft

3. Master Mason

In America each of the 50 states has its own Craft Grand Lodge. 

CHAPTER MASONRY (Royal Arch Masonry):

4. Mark Master

5. Past Master (Virtual)

6. Most Excellent Master

7. Royal Arch

General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons:

COUNCIL MASONRY (Cryptic Masonry):

8. Royal Master

9. Select Master

10. Super-Excellent Master

General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons:


11. Knight of the Red Cross

12. Knight of Malta

13. Knight Templar

The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar:


Grand Council of Knight Masons:

1. Knight of Sword
2. Knight of the East
3. Knight of the East and West 

Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees:

1. Order of St. Lawrence the Martyr
2. Knight of Constantinople
3. Grand Tilers of Solomon
4. Excellent Master
5. Masters of Tyre
6. Architect
7. Grand Architect
8. Superintendent
9. Ye Antient Order of the Corks
10. Red Branch of Eri and Appendant Orders
11. Royal Ark Mariner
12. Order of the Secret Monitor 

United Grand Imperial Council of the Red Cross of Constantine:

1. Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine
2. Knight of the Holy Sepulchre
3. Knight of St. John the Evangelist 

Grand College of Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests:

Provincial Council of the Order of St Thomas of Acon:

Provincial Grand Court of the Order of Athelstan:

High Council of Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis:

1. I Zelator
2. II Theoricus
3. III Practicus
4. IV Philosophus
5. V Adeptus Minor
6. VI Adeptus Major
7. VII Adeptus Exemptus
8. VIII Magister Templi
9. IX Magus 

Provincial Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland:

1. Degree of Heredom of Kilwinning
2. Degree of Knight of the Rosy Cross 

Regional Grand Assemblage USA of the Operatives:

Grand College of Rites of the USA:

Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction:

Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction:

Grotto (MOVPER):

Shriners (AAONMS):

The French Rite of Freemasonry