Irish Masonic Links

Grand Lodge of Ireland |

Irish Masonic History and the Jewels of Irish Freemasonry –

A list of Irish Masonic Lodges

The Belfast Masonic Lodge No. 651

Belfast Freemasonry – Temple 51 Masonic Lodge

Craigantlet 486 | Belfast Masonic Lodge – Military Lodge of Ireland No 728

St. Patrick’s Masonic Lodge No.77

Prince of Wales Lodge 222 | Province of Wicklow and Wexford, Grand Lodge of Ireland

Provincial Grand Lodge of Tyrone and Fermanagh –

PGL Antrim

Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster Freemasons

The Provincial Grand Lodge of the Metropolitan Area – P|G|L|M|A

Freemasons of South Connaught

PGL | Freemasons Limerick

The Home of Freemasonry in County Down

District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Down –

Masonic Lodge of Research and the History of Freemasons in

The Royal Arch Chapter of Research No. 222 –

Ireland, Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland Membership Registers, 1733-1923 | Ancestry®