Historical Chronology of Masonic Degrees

Pure Ancient Freemasonry:

United Grand Lodge of England:

The Second Article of the Act of Union of the Antients and the Moderns of 1813 stated that:

“Pure Ancient Masonry consists of three Degrees, and no more, viz, those of the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch.  But this Article is not intended to prevent any Lodge or Chapter from holding a meeting in any of the Degrees of the Orders of Chivalry, according to the constitutions of the said Orders.”

Grand Lodge of Ireland – Laws and Constitutions:

“Pure Ancient Freemasonry consists of the following Degrees and no others, viz. – The Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, the Master Mason and the Installed Master, but the Degrees of Royal Arch and the Mark Master Mason shall also be recognised so long as the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland shall work only those two Degrees in the form in which they are worked at the passing of this Law.”

Grand Lodge of Scotland:

The present “Constitution and Laws” of the Grand Lodge of Scotland states; “The Degrees of Freemasonry authorised and governed by Grand Lodge are those of Entered Apprentice, Fellow-of-Craft (including the Mark), and Master Mason, and no other.”

Royal Ark Mariner

Grand High Priest 

Mark Master Mason

Select Master Mason

Royal Master Mason

Entered Apprentice 

Fellow Craft 

Master Mason 

Most Excellent Master

Super Excellent Master Mason

Excellent Master Mason

Royal Arch Mason


Babylonish Pass (Red Cross Degrees)

Red Cross of Constantine

Knights of the Holy Sepulchre

Knight of St John the Evangelist

Knight Templar

Knight of St John of Jerusalem or Knight of Malta

The Flood

Abraham & Melchizedek

Preparation of K.S.T.

Construction of the Sacred Vault

Deposition of the Word



Death of Chief Architect

Dedication of K.S.T.

Destruction of K.S.T.

Rebuilding of 2nd Temple

Recovery of the Word (The repairs of the Temple by King Josiah in Ireland)

Restoration of the Treasures 

Conversion of the Emperor

The Discoveries of St Helena

After Julian the Apostate

The Crusades

The Hospitallers

4000 BCE

2000 BCE

974 BCE

969 BCE

968 BCE

968 BCE

967 BCE

586 BCE

536 BCE

534 BCE


525 BCE

312 CE

326 CE

63 CE

1119 CE

1128 CE

Order of the degrees of Freemasonry


United Grand Lodge of England – Craft Degrees

  1. Entered Apprentice
  2. Fellow Craft
  3. Master Mason


Grand Lodge of Scotland – Craft Degrees

  1. Entered Apprentice (Initiation)
  2. Fellow Craft (Fellowship)
  3. Master Mason (968 BCE – Death of Chief Architect)
  4. Mark Master Mason (974 BCE – Preparation of K.S.T.)


Grand Lodge of Ireland – Craft Degrees

The building of King Solomon’s Temple

  1. Entered Apprentice
  2. Fellow Craft
  3. Master Mason


All 50 States have their own Grand Lodge – Blue Lodge Degrees

  1. Entered Apprentice
  2. Fellow Craft
  3. Master Mason

Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England – Holy Royal Arch Masonry

  1. Holy Royal Arch 

Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England & Wales

  1. Mark Master 

Ancient & Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners – Administered by the Mark Grand Lodge

  1. Royal Ark Mariner 

The Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Scotland – The Royal Arch-Masons of Scotland.

  1. Mark Master Mason (974 BCE – Preparation of K.S.T.)
  2. Excellent Master Mason (536 BCE – Rebuilding of 2nd Temple)
  3. Royal Arch Mason (534 BCE – Recovery of the Word) 

Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland – Irish Royal Arch Masonry

The repairs of the Temple by King Josiah 

  1. Mark Master Mason
  2. Royal Arch

General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons – Chapter Masonry 

  1. Mark Master
  2. Past Master (Virtual)
  3. Most Excellent Master
  4. Royal Arch
  5. Grand High Priest

Grand Council Royal and Select Masters – Cryptic Degrees 

  1. Most Excellent Master (967 BCE – Dedication of K.S.T.)
  2. Royal Master
  3. Select Master
  4. Super Excellent Master 

Lodge and Council degrees (Royal Arch Chapter):

  1. Royal Ark Mariner (4000 BCE – The Flood)
  2. Babylonish Pass (Red Cross Knight): (525 BCE – Restoration of the Treasures) 
  • 8a. 1st point or Knight of the Sword 
  • 8b. 2nd point or Knight of the East 
  • 8c. 3rd point or Knight of the East and West 

Cryptic degrees (Royal Arch Chapter):

  1. Royal Master Mason (968 BCE – Deposition of the Word)
  2. Select Master Mason (969 BCE – Construction of the Sacred Vault)
  3. Super Excellent Master Mason (586 BCE – Destruction of K.S.T.)

Grand Council of Knight Masons of Ireland (Knight Masonry – formerly known as the Red Cross Degrees) – The building of the Second Temple by Zerubabbel after the return of the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin from their seventy years of captivity in Babylon, circa. 536 B.C.E.

  1. Knight of the Sword (formerly Red Cross of Daniel or Babylonian Pass) – Zerubabbel’s visit to the court of King Cyrus of Persia.
  2. Knight of the East (formerly Jordan Pass) – Zerubabbel’s later visit to the court of King Darius.
  3. Knight of the East and West (formerly Royal Order of Prussian [Persian] Blue) – Zerubabbel returns to his fellow countrymen in Jerusalem.

General Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters – Council Masonry/Cryptic Masonry

  1. Royal Master
  2. Select Master
  3. Super-Excellent Master

Grand Council of Knight Masons: 

  1. Knight of Sword
  2. Knight of the East
  3. Knight of the East and West 

Great Priory of the Temple & Malta of England & Wales

  1. Knight Templar
  2. Knight of St Paul or Mediterranean Pass
  3. Knight of Malta 

Great Priory of the Temple & Malta of Scotland

  1. Knight Templar (1119 CE – The Crusades)
  2. Mediterranean Pass or Knight of St Paul
  3. Knight of St John of Jerusalem or Knight of Malta (1128 CE – The Hospitallers)

Great Priory of the Temple of Ireland

  1. Knight Templar
  2. Mediterranean Pass
  3. Knight of Malta

Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the USA – The Commandery

  1. Knight of the Red Cross (of Babylon)
  2. Knight of Malta
  3. Knight Templar

Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees 

  1.  St Lawrence the Martyr
  2. Knights of Constantinople
  3. Grand Tyler of King Solomon
  4. Red Cross of Babylon
  5. Grand High Priest 

Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees: 

  1. Order of St. Lawrence the Martyr
    2. Knight of Constantinople
    3. Grand Tilers of Solomon
    4. Excellent Master
    5. Masters of Tyre
    6. Architect
    7. Grand Architect
    8. Superintendent
    9. Ye Antient Order of the Corks
    10. Red Branch of Eri and Appendant Orders
    11. Royal Ark Mariner
    12. Order of the Secret Monitor 

Grand Imperial Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine of England and Wales

  1. Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine
  2. Knight of the Holy Sepulchre
  3. Knight of St John the Evangelist 

Grand Imperial Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine of Scotland

  1. Knights of Rome
  2. Red Cross of Constantine (312 CE – Conversion of the Emperor)
  3. Knights of the Holy Sepulchre (326 CE – The Discoveries of St Helena)
  4. Knight of St John the Evangelist (63 CE – After Julian the Apostate)

United Grand Imperial Council of the Red Cross of Constantine: 

  1. Knight of the Red Cross of Constantine
    2. Knight of the Holy Sepulchre
    3. Knight of St. John the Evangelist 
English Structure of Freemasonry
Structure of Freemasonry in the USA
Structure of Freemasonry in the USA
Structure of Freemasonry in the USA