Women Freemasons

There are two female-only Grand Lodges: The Order of Women Freemasons and the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (Freemasonry for Women). They both follow exactly the same ceremonies and wear the same regalia as male Freemasons, and they often work closely with community and charity projects.

The Order of Women Freemasons: https://www.owf.org.uk/

The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (Freemasonry for Women): https://hfaf.org/

Order of the Eastern Star

Women are also invited to join the Order of the Eastern Star.

The Supreme Grand Chapter of the the Order of the Eastern Star in Scotland: SupremeGrandChapterOfScotland.co.uk

General Grand Chapter of the OES in the United States: EasternStar.org

Order of the Eastern Star Australia: OesAustralia.org.au